

The group of “Construction Engineering/ Enginyeria de la Construcció” focus on the life cycle assessment/analysis of large modern sustainable infrastructure projects from a holistic perspective, involving planning; design; construction; service life and exploitation; maintenance and demolition and recycling, taking into account economical, environmental, quality and health and safety issues. The overall objective of the group is to contribute to the technological, economic and social development through research, innovation, technology transfer, knowledge generation and training in the field of Construction Engineering and Civil Engineering Infrastructures. The members of the Construction Engineering Group are recognized as experts at an international level for the quality and quantity of their scientific and technical research. This provides a distinguishing feature, bridging the gap between the academic and professional world in the field of civil engineering and construction. The group, in constant contact with industry, fosters an ongoing process of improving and finding new goals, trying to identify innovative aspects to focus on and to identify new research topics, trying to solve industry needs.