Ignacio SEGURA
Dr. Ignacio Segura (Spain, 1979) is Materials Chemist (UCM, 2003) and PhD in Structural and Materials Engineering (UPM, 2008). He has done two post-doctoral trainings at CARTIF Technology Centre (Torres Quevedo Postdoctoral Fellowship; 2009-2011) and at the UPC-BarcelonaTech (Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship - 2 from 5 top young Civil Engineering & Architecture Scientists in the 2011 call; 2012 - 2014). He is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering from UPC. He also co-founded the spin-off Smart Engineering (2013), where he actually is Head of the Materials Division.
He is author of 42 JCR scientific papers and has published in the most important journals of the area (Cement & Concrete Research, Cement & Concrete Composites, Construction & Building Materials, Materials & Design), and main journals of other disciplines (Science of the Total Environment, Measurement Science & Technology, Ultrasonics). He has an h-index of 16/15 (Google Scholar/Scopus) and 725/536 citations (Google Scholar/Scopus). He is co-author of 3 patents, one of them licensed to BASF Construction Chemicals.

Nowadays, my current research line is the development of novel multifunctional cementitious materials for civil engineering and urban applications. Some examples of my developments are: i) enhanced bioreceptivity concrete, ii) overlay mortars with biocide characteristics, iii) and conductive concrete using industrial by-products.
Within this research line I am actually focused on the development of a new concept of multifunctional cementitious materials for self-sensing applications based on piezo- and magneto-resistivity. I aim at introducing a new paradigm in the development of multifunctional cementitious materials by using 3-D printing technologies to design multi-layered cementitious materials and investigate on the nanomodification of cementitious mixes to obtain samples with different conductive behaviours.
1) Faneca, G., Segura, I., Torrents, J.M., Aguado, A. (2018) Development of conductive cementitious materials using recycled carbon fibres. Cement and Concrete Composites, 92, 135-144.
• Impact factor & Ranking of the Journal (2017): 5.66, Q1 journal (3 from 161 in Building & Construction).
2) Manso, S., De Muynck, W., Segura, I., Aguado, A., Steppe, K., Boon, N., & De Belie, N. (2014) Bioreceptivity evaluation of cementitious materials designed to stimulate biological growth. Science of the Total Environment, 481(1), 232–241.
• Impact factor & Ranking of the Journal (2014): 4.1, Q1 journal (22 from 221 in Environmental Sciences).
• Times cited: 28/15 (Google scholar/Scopus).
• Field-Weighted Citation Impact: 1.7 (Scopus).
3) Ikumi T., Cavalaro S., Segura I., Aguado A. (2014) Alternative methodology to consider damage and expansions in external sulphate attack modelling. Cement and Concrete Research, 63, 105–16.
• Impact factor & Ranking of the Journal (2014): 2.864, Q1 journal (6 from 59 in Construction & Building Technology).
• Times cited: 13/15 (Google scholar/Scopus).
• Field-Weighted Citation Impact: 1.79 (Scopus).
4) González-Ortega, M. A., Segura I., Cavalaro, S. H. P., Toralles-Carbonari, B., Aguado, A., & Andrello, A. C. (2014) Radiological protection and mechanical properties of concretes with EAF steel slags. Construction and Building Materials, 51, 432–438.
• Impact factor & Ranking of the Journal (2014): 2.296, Q1 journal (7 from 59 in Construction & Building Technology.
• Times cited: 21/18 (Google scholar/Scopus).
• Field-Weighted Citation Impact: 2.37 (Scopus).
5) Segura, I., Molero, M., Aparicio, S., Anaya, J. J., & Moragues, A. (2013) Decalcification of cement mortars: Characterisation and modelling. Cement and Concrete Composites, 35(1), 136–150.
• Impact factor & Ranking of the Journal (2013): 2.76, Q1 journal (4 from 58 in Construction & Building Technology).
• Times cited: 16/12 (Google scholar/Scopus).
• Field-Weighted Citation Impact: 1.38 (Scopus).
Futur: https://futur.upc.edu/ignacioSeguraPerez