Lecturer | PhD MSc BSc in Civil Engineering

Dr. Albert De la Fuente Antequera (Girona, 1982) received a degree in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2007. He obtained his PhD title in 2011 from the Civil and Environmental Department of UPC. Albert is an Associate Professor at the UPC in the area of Construction Engineering at UPC, he being coordinator of advanced construction materials and structural concrete design subjects. His research area is Civil and Structural Engineering, focusing mainly on new construction materials and processes, advanced structural design and optimization, and models for sustainability assessment.

Albert has leads averagely 2.0 publicly-funded projects per year and he is intensively collaborating with the top 5 Spanish construction-related companies operating around the world facing relevant and strategic challenges. He leads several industry-oriented research projects related to structural 3D-printing construction, fibre reinforced concrete structures design optimization and new advanced concrete materials. Albert has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in indexed scientific journals and more than 100 contributions in international conferences and active member in several technical international committees. In 2013 he co-founded Smart Engineering (Spin-Off UPC).

Research Interest
His main research interests are:

- Design and optimization of fibre reinforced concrete structures.

- 3D printed concrete for heavy duty structural applications.

- Sustainability assessment of infrastructures and structural systems.

- Reliability oriented to optimization of concrete structures.
Selected papers
Since 2018 Albert has published more than 60 JCR-indexed papers. His records can be found in:

- Scopus:

- Futur:

- Google Scholar:

- Researcher ID: 36657016500

- ORCID code: 0000-0002-8016-1677
Albert has taught Concrete Structures, Prestressed Concrete, Advanced Design of Concrete Structures and Advances Structural Material full courses taught in the Bachelor and Master degrees of the Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Barcelona since 2009. He is also collaborating as visiting professor in other Civil Engineering Schools as UPM (Madrid, Spain), USP (São Paulo, Brazil) teaching in master courses and giving seminars. .
Awards, Honors and Societies
He is member of ACHE (Spanish –Association of Structural Engineering) and of fib (Fédération Internationale du Béton). In the fib, Albert actively participates in several tasks groups: TG 1.4.3 Fibre reinforced sprayed concrete tunnels; TG 1.8 Industrial concrete floors; TG 6.3 Sustainability of prefabrication; TG 7.1 Sustainability of concrete and 10.1 Model Code 2020. Member of the international expert panel of the FWO (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) Flanders Research Foundation.

Albert was awarded with the 2012 Doctoral Extraordinary Award. Civil Engineering. UPC. In 2017 he received the AGAUR (Barcelona, Spain) recognition for the supervision to completion of the first two industrial PhD students in the Civil Engineering program.